Pike Co. GAGenWeb

Individual Birth Date Death Date Additional Information
BUCK Mary OCT 9, 1797 JUL 11, 1893  
BUSH Albert Jones JAN 25, 1889 MAY 25, 1934  
BUSH Bessie Weaver NOV 4, 1890 AUG 17, 1964  
BUSH James Calvin JUN 8, JUL 10, 1927  
COOK W.B. FEB 1, 1847 NOV 18, 1901  
COOK Willie DEC 16, 1886 DEC 22, 1886  
ENGLISH Estelle McCord JUL 17, 1886 MAY 27, 1962 Wife of Thomas J, English
ENGLISH Thomas J. NOV 20, 1883 NOV 20, 1946  
GUNN Allie Murphey OCT 8, 1900 JUL 26, 1980 Wife of Marshall Gunn
GUNN Billie Jean Crawford MAR 4, 1936 Wife of James Talmadge Gunn Sr.
GUNN Frances Ione JUN 22, 1921 JUL 2, 1941 Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Gunn
GUNN James Talmadge Sr. AUG 30, 1933 JUN 6, 1989 Cpl US Army
GUNN Mamie Jewell MAY 22, 1926 FEB 7, 1927 Buried at Cuthand, Texas-Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Gunn
GUNN Marshall W. DEC 8, 1883 MAY 26, 1968 Pvt US Army WW 1
JOHNSON Isaac G. Rev. JAN 27, 1904 JUN 2, 2001  
JOHNSON Mary Weaver JUL 24, 1909 MAR 20, 1985 Wife of Rev. Isaac G. Johnson
LYONS Hazel Hobson Turner MAY 1, 1916 JUL 11, 2001  
MANLEY Myrtle Murphey APR 3, 1906 Wife of William Hoyte Manley
MANLEY Robert Alvin JUL 29, 1938 OCT 29, 1940 (Bobby)
MANLEY William Hoyte JUN 11, 1906 DEC 26, 1949  
MONTGOMERY C. J. AUG 15, 1924 MAY 19, 1998  
MONTGOMERY Dorothy Legg NOV 8, 1927  
MOORE Charles Larry SEP 26, 1944 MAR 10, 1954  
MOORE Donald Lewis APR 21, 1937 JUL 24, 1975  
MOORE Donovan Obidah JAN 26, 1904 FEB 27, 1984  
MOORE Julian Thomas NOV 10, 1837 MAR 10, 1954 Died in a house fire--- Son of Donovan O. & Sara Mann Moore
MOORE Richard Lewis AUG 28, 1936 MAR 10, 1954 Died in a house fire--- Son of Donovan O. & Sara Mann Moore
MOORE Sara Mann FEB 7, 1915 FEB 3, 1975  
MOORE Winston Franklin MAR 10, 1941 MAR 10, 1954 Died in a house fire--- Son of Donovan O. & Sara Mann Moore
MURPHEY Sidney W. APR 20, 1873 NOV 24, 1966  
MURPHEY Sophie Weaver APR 11, 1877 JUN 12, 1958 Wife of Sidney W. Murphey
MURPHY Alvah Holmes APR 30, 1910 MAY 27, 1991  
MURPHY Bertha Williams JAN 29, 1914 MAR 3, 1996 Wife of Alvah Holmes Murphy
MURPHY Claude S. MAY 16, 1903 AUG 7, 1989  
MURPHY James Claude Cpl US Army Korea
MURPHY Phyllis NOV 26, 1939 Infant
MURPHY Ruby Arvelia SEP 12, 1909 JUN 30, 1981  
PRICE Florence White SEP 26, 1886 NOV 4, 1963  
REEVES Mary E. JUN 27, 1840 SEP 23, 1885 Wife of James Robert Reeves
RIDLEY Della Weaver APR 14, 1875 MAR 13, 1954 Wife of Nehlmiah Owen Ridley
RIDLEY Edna Steger FEB 11, 1929  
RIDLEY infant Daughter of M.M. & N.O. Ridley
RIDLEY Jamie O. JUL 15, 1918 SEP 11, 1985  
RIDLEY Nehlmiah Owen JAN 19, 1873 JUL 1, 1957  
RIDLEY Rolfe Bernard FEB 15, 1907 SEP 1, 1936  
SAULEY Betty Fisher AUG 5, 1859 MAR 29, 1950 Wife of William T. Sauley
SAULEY William T. FEB 14, 1835 DEC 21, 1901  
TRICE Janet Passmore OCT 19, 1950 FEB 20, 1996 Married Larry Melvin Trice 27APR1973
TRICE Jones Willis AUG 1, 1914 APR 26, 1976  
TRICE Larry Melvin APR 3, 1950  
TRICE Nancy Snow MAY 9, 1921 APR 17, 1998 Wife of Jones Willis Trice
WEAVER Annie SEP 6, 1878 JAN 2, 1909  
WEAVER Archie Sylvester SEP 15, 1879 AUG 24, 1967 Husband of Mary E. Buchanan Weaver
WEAVER C.B. APR 9, 1869 AUG 29, 1921  
WEAVER Gertie SEP 3, 1905 NOV 22, 1911 Daughter of A.S. & M.E. Weaver
WEAVER James AUG 8, 1814 JAN 11, 1894  
WEAVER James F. Co G Ga. Res C.S.A.
WEAVER John Thomas JAN 23, 1871 SEP 29, 1925  
WEAVER Mary E. Buchanan NOV 9, 1883 MAR 17, 1942 Daughter of Rufus Alonza & Mary Ella Wood Buchanan
WEAVER Mary Lizzie SEP 7, 1871 MAY 2, 1957  
WEAVER Matilda MAR 27, 1820 DEC 5, 1904  
WEAVER Mattie Floyd  
WEAVER W.W. JAN 3, 1873 JUL 8, 1893  
WHITE Alma Lee APR 7, 1904 APR 2, 1921 Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.A. White
WHITE Fannie Smith JUN 28, 1873 APR 17, 1957 Wife of J.A. White
WHITE Joel H. JUL 17, 1900 OCT 25, 1925 Son Of Mr. & Mrs. J.A. White
WHITE John A. FEB 7, 1874 FEB 26, 1964  
WHITE Mattie J. FEB 12, 1852 SEP 12, 1906  
WHITE Morris E. JUN 29, 1908 MAY 2, 1962 Georgia Sgt US Army WW 11
WHITE William R. NOV 5, 1840 DEC 14, 1918  
WILDER Sarah F. Manley Ridley DEC 8, 1911 NOV 11, 1985  
WILLIAMS Mildred Weatherly JAN 12, 1908 FEB 9, 1949 Wife of Willie Floyd Williams
WILLIAMS Willie Floyd JUL 28, 1908 FEB 5, 1983